EAROPH Australia – Climate JustUs for First Nations Peoples

EAROPH Australia is hosting a workshop at which people from the Torres Strait Islander and Salt Water and Rainforest Aboriginal communities and Pacific Islanders, who are finding ways to combat climate change and fighting for their rights, will draft a Climate JustUs Charter for First Nations Peoples. This Charter will be a key input and will define an agenda for EAROPH’s planned Pacific workshop in August – September 2023, as part of the Pacific Urban Forum. The Pacific Urban Forum, to be held in Fiji, will then help us prepare for presentations at COP 28.

Programme over the two days:

  • Climate adaptation
  • Addressing loss and damages
  • Climate Justice Charter

Parallel exhibition: waste, energy, water, habitat

Parallel podcast hub

Go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/earoph-australia-climate-action-workshop-tickets-588774328867?keep_tld=1 to register.

Sponsors are acknowledged on the EAROPH Australia website: https://www.earophaustralia.com/

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K McGovern & Associates