The Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA), in 2009, surveyed the accounting professional bodies from across the region on “the ways they are addressing the increasingly serious and complex social and environmental issues in today’s world that require the strict attention and concern of businesses and investment communities”.
The report “Main Survey Report on the CAPA Environmental Accounting / CSR Survey” was published in 2009.
In addition to recording the reports on sustainability prepared by the various professional bodies, the report identified the Guidelines / Standards developed by projects of international organizations to be:
(2) IFAC-Environmental Management Accounting(JICPA, PICPA)
(3) IFAC-Sustainability Framework (NZICA, JICPA, PICPA, AICPA, ACCA)
(4) Accounting for Sustainability Working Group (JICPA, AICPA, ICAEW, ACCA).
Additionally, ICAA and CPA Australia are members of the members of the Accounting
Bodies Network.
(5) Carbon Disclosure Project (CICA, JICPA, ICAEW, ACCA)
(6) GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines(CPA Australia, CICA, PICPA, ACCA)
(7) AA1000 (ACCA)
(8) United Nations Global Compact (CPA Australia)
The report also identified the guidelines and standards prepared by other domestic organisations. These are contained in the body of the report.
It stated:
“Although a variety of issues are covered in the guidelines and standards developed by each
member body, most issues covered belong to one of the following categories:
- Environmental issues in accounting
- Environmental issues in auditing
- Sustainability or environmental reporting
- Assurance of sustainability reporting or GHG emissions
- Sustainability related issues in business and management.
See the full report for details.